Canadian Thanksgiving sale ❤️
This weekend is thanksgiving here in Canada and I’m so thankful for so many things. Have you ever done a gratitude journal? I have kept one on and off for over 25 years. It’s a great way to stay aware of your daily blessings. One of the things I’m consistently grateful for is being able to make a living as an artist. It is truly a blessing.
YAY! Happy Thanksgiving! I’m having a 30% off sale for all my fellow Canadians in my Etsy shop. HERE
Thanks, eh! OH, OK, I love you Americans too so if you use the THANKYOU20 coupon, you can get 20% off. <3 So thankful for you guys!
“Deep In Their Roots, All Flowers Keep The Light” (quote from Theodore Roethke)
8″x16″ mix media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ deep.